Side process display of channel letter 3D printer


Nowadays, luminous word 3D printers have existed in the market for many years, but there are still many manufacturers or people who do not know that luminous word 3D printers can only produce 3D luminous words, and do not know what the various processes of luminous word 3D printers are.


Creatwit will explain that the channel letter 3D printer is a 3D printer based on FDM (melt deposition forming) technology, which is printed layer by layer on the Internet. One advantage of this technology is that no matter how complex the font is designed, as long as there is a digital model, it can be printed. It is such a technology that 3D channel letters have attracted wide attention when they were published, and have developed rapidly since then. After several years of development, many 3D printing equipment manufacturers, including covede, have developed many side processes for 3D printers that specialize in making 3D channel letters.


Take creatwit K8 as an example. As creatwit's flagship model, K8 can produce more than 20 side styles and more than 10 panel processes. At present, creatwit still continues to develop more side processes and panel processes. At the same time, in order to ensure that manufacturers can better produce more cool 3D channel letters, creative development mode is specially added, so that manufacturers can develop new process styles without relying on equipment suppliers.


Let's take a look at the video. The video content can better and more intuitively see various side processes of K8. Let's take a look at it together: